My Journey

Richard Stacey
1 min readMay 10, 2020

My name is Richard Stacey, I am a student at Utah Valley University and a Web Developer in training. I love Web Development because it takes a more logical side of creation for building websites allowing me to think creatively and logically at the same time when it comes to solving problems with websites and telling a customer’s story. As a writer, mild gamer, lego fan and self-proclaimed Nerd, I love especially using my unique imagination and gift of creativity in my day to day work. One of my biggest goals in life is to have a family of my own one day and my job will just simply be a way to support that while enjoying and being good at what I do. I admittedly don’t have a lot of experience in this field outside of working for familysearch support during the first month of my mission, designing simple websites in my free time for myself, a single client I tried to help during the summer before my second year of college, and working with clients while in the classroom sometimes with groups, but that’s one of the reasons I am here. I believe an internship with a big company will give me on site experience and teaching that time in a classroom never could while possibly increasing my chances for a job in the future.



Richard Stacey

The Portfolio and journeys of Web Developer and Designer in training.